3 Highly Effective Ways To Recruit & Retain Veterans This Spring
As more business leaders become aware of the invaluable talent the military produces, many of them are looking for recruitment strategies geared directly toward the Veteran population. If you’re a company who values the skill sets often associated with senior military personnel, here are three effective ways to recruit and retain Veterans as you head into the spring quarter.
Go Where They Are
If you’re serious about hiring more qualified Veterans, find out where they are and put your efforts there. For example, there are countless Veteran-specific job fairs and conferences that bring thousands of Vets to a single place each year. This is a highly effective way to recruit and retain Veterans because the pool of candidates has already been vetted. Special recruiting and conference events bring out a very narrowed population, meaning most of the Vets you’ll meet are looking for professional career opportunities to apply their leadership and advanced skills toward. The more serious they are about the job hunt, the more serious you can expect them to be about your company once they get the job. It’s also important to familiarize yourself with online job boards used by Veterans. Yello has a great resource for finding Veteran-focused events and boards.
Sell Yourself
Veterans are mission-driven. They’re coming from a career with great purpose and are looking for that in the civilian world as well. As a company wanting to hire them, you have to sell your brand and vision. Language is your friend when it comes to marketing jobs to Vets. Positions that call for leadership skills, promote diverse teams, and encourage collaboration are enticing to Veterans. Make sure the recruiters you’re sending to Veteran-focused events, as mentioned above, are well-versed in your company’s vision and the purpose it serves.
Advertise You’re Hiring Vets
If hiring Veterans is your goal, talk about it everywhere you can. Your company website, social accounts, and marketing materials should all promote that you’re hiring Veterans. One important aspect of this is to make sure you’re using appropriate terminology to draw in Veteran applicants. Not all branches of the military use the same language, rankings, etc., so it’s wise to keep your ads general to the military as a whole. Walmart does a great job of promoting their commitment to supporting Vets in the workplace.
Of course, there are more than just three ways to successfully recruit and retain top military talent. SAVI’s expert career advisors and business partners are ready to guide you through a more extensive strategy to improve your military reach. Contact us today to learn more.