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Everything You Need to Know About Chapter 36 VA Benefits

As you probably know, when you transition out of the military there are tons of decisions you’ll have to make about the future for you and your family. One of the most important decisions you will have to make is whether you are going to start a career or potentially plan on going back to school. Luckily there are tools and resources available to help you make this very important decision.

Have you heard of VA Chapter 36? If you are transitioning out of the military within the next six months or you’re within one year post-transition then you’ll want to keep reading to learn more about this amazing resource.

Chapter 36 is a Personalized Career Planning and Guidance (PCPG) service available to Veterans and their qualified dependents. This tool helps to make the decision process about school or career easier and the best part is it’s personalized to each individual because we know there isn’t a one size fits all approach to this decision.

There are a few qualifications you’ll need to meet in order to start claiming these benefits. You must:

  • Be discharged under conditions other than dishonorable from active duty within 6 months, or
  • Separated from active duty under conditions other than dishonorable not more than one year ago, or
  • Qualify as a Veteran or service member for educational assistance under a VA educational program, or
  • Are a service member, Veteran, or dependent currently eligible for VA education benefits

If you fit into one of these categories then there is a good chance you will qualify for some great benefits provided by Chapter 36. These benefits include:

  • Career counseling to help you decide which civilian or military jobs you might want
  • Educational counseling to help you find a training program or field of study that interests you
  • Academic and adjustment counseling to help you address issues or barriers that get in the way of your future success
  • Resume support and goal planning to help you put your best foot forward

So, you are probably asking yourself “how do I apply for Chapter 36?” Well, it’s easy. There are 3 ways to apply for these benefits. You can:

Once your application is reviewed you will receive an invitation for orientation if you’re determined to be eligible.

If you have any other questions you can check out this video from the VA that gives a little more information about Chapter 36.

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Have a question about your Veteran benefits? You can email us today! If you are within one-year pre to post-military separation, you can enroll in our FREE program by setting up a call with one of our transition coaches.

What is the VA Caregiver Support Program?

After their discharge from the military, not all Veterans have the ability to care for themselves. This can be the result of a number of different things, but most commonly is attributed to a severe service-related disability. As a result of this, the Veteran might require assistance from a family member to help maintain their quality of life. This person is often referred to as a designated caregiver.

The VA offers a number of services to support family caregivers including monthly payment or stipend to designated caregivers of severely disabled veterans. Keep reading for more information on the VA Caregiver Support Program.

The first thing you are probably asking is “What is a Primary Family Caregiver Stipend?” Well, a Primary Family Caregiver stipend is monetary compensation paid to a Primary Family Caregiver for providing personal care services to an eligible Veteran enrolled in the Caregiver Support Program. The stipend benefit is not intended to replace career earnings, and receipt of the stipend payments does not create an employment relationship between VA and the Primary Family Caregiver.

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It’s important to note that not ALL caregivers can receive this stipend. Only the designated Primary Family Caregiver of an eligible Veteran is entitled to receive a stipend. There can be only one Primary Family Caregiver designated at a time. Also, important to know that the stipend is a VA enhanced service and is not considered taxable income.
To utilize this benefit the qualified Veteran will need to be evaluated to determine their level of personal care services. The Veteran’s Patient Aligned Care Team (PACT) at your assigned VA Medical Center (VAMC) will make a determination after evaluating the eligible Veteran. The PACT provides a clinical evaluation of the Veteran’s level of dependency, based on the degree to which the eligible Veteran is unable to perform one or more activities of daily living, or the degree to which the Veteran is in need of supervision or protection, based on symptoms or residuals of neurological or other impairment or injury. As a result of the clinical evaluation and score, the eligible Veteran will be rated as follows:

  • High Tier: Equates to a maximum of 40 hours of care per week.
  • Medium Tier: Equates to a maximum of 25 hours of care per week.
  • Low Tier: Equates to a maximum of 10 hours of care per week.

Once the PACT is able to determine the tier level of the eligible Veteran they will be able to determine the stipend amount for the Primary Family Caregiver. The stipend amount is based on the weekly number of hours of personal care services that the eligible Veteran requires during the month. It is calculated by multiplying the Bureau of Labor Statistics hourly wage for home health aides, Skill code 311011, for the geographic region in which the eligible Veteran resides by the Consumer Price Index Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA), and then multiplying that total by the number of weekly hours of Caregiver assistance required (assigned tier level hours). This product is then multiplied by the average number of weeks in each month (4.35).

For example: If an eligible Veteran requires 10 hours of personal care services weekly (Tier 1) and the Caregiver’s hourly wage (including COLA) is $10 per hour, then the monthly stipend would be: (10 hours x $10) x 4.35 = $435.

Once the stipend total is calculated and approved it will be paid out monthly to the Primary Family Caregiver.

You can find more information about the Primary Family Caregiver Stipend from the VA by calling the Caregiver support line at 1-855-260-3274, Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Eastern Standard Time.

You can also visit the Caregiver website at http://www.caregiver.va.gov or email: https://iris.custhelp.com/app/ask

This is a great benefit for Veterans with service-related disabilities and their families. It allows the Veteran to still maintain a quality of life and provides a way for their families to be involved in their care.

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Have a question about your Veteran benefits? You can email us today! If you are within one-year pre to post-military separation, you can enroll in our FREE program by setting up a call with one of our transition coaches.

VA Benefits – Everything You Need to Know About Compensation

Do you qualify for Compensation benefits? If you are a Veteran who was honorably discharged and have a service-connected disability then you probably do and you’ll want to keep reading to learn what you need to do to apply.

So, what is disability compensation? It’s a tax-free monetary benefit paid to Veterans who have a service-connected disease or disability. This can be anything that is a physical condition (chronic illness and pain) or a mental health condition (PTSD). You might also qualify if you have a post-service disability that can be directly tied to an injury or illness that you sustained while you were in service.

Are there any other types of disability compensation? Yes, there are also disability compensation benefits available to surviving spouses, children, or parents of service members who passed away during active duty or as a result of their service-connected disability. This is called Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC). Also, in some cases you might qualify for Special Monthly Compensation (SMC). This is an additional tax-free benefit that is provided for Veterans who require additional care or aid. An example of this might be a Veteran who lost a limb during service and requires a prosthetic limb.

How do you apply for disability compensation? You will want to start the application process as soon as you can, even before you are discharged from the military. You can apply online using your VA eBenefits account. A copy of your DD-214, medical evidence from your doctor, and records for your dependents will be required for processing your claim. You also have the option of mailing your application form directly into the VA.

How much compensation will I receive? This will be determined by your disability rating. The current 2021 rate for a Veteran with a 20 percent disability rating is $284 per month. If you have a 10 or 20 percent rating then your compensation doesn’t increase based on having dependents. If you have a 30 percent or higher rating your compensation level will vary depending on the number of dependents that you have living with you. There is a detailed breakdown of these compensation rates on the VA.gov website.

Are there any other benefits? As part of your VA compensation benefits, you might also be eligible for additional housing and insurance benefits. These include adapted housing grants, service-disabled Veteran’s insurance, and Veterans mortgage life insurance. All of these additional benefits will vary from Veteran to Veteran and will depend on your disability rating.

Disability compensation is a valuable VA benefit that every eligible Veteran should know about and utilize, so don’t wait, start your application today.

Contact Us

Have a question about your Veteran benefits? You can email us today! If you are within one-year pre to post-military separation, you can enroll in our FREE program by setting up a call with one of our transition coaches.

3 Ways to Improve Mental Health for Veterans

Mental health is an important topic, especially for Veterans. Sleep problems, PTSD, Anxiety, and Depression are four of the top five injuries and health problems reported among the Veteran population. This is such a prevalent topic that the VA even offers Mental Health Services for qualified Veterans that includes everything from professional counseling to working with a peer mentor.

In addition to these amazing resources that are offered for the Veteran community, there are also small steps you can take on your own to help improve your mental health on a daily basis. Here are our top three ways to improve mental health for Veterans.

#1: Take care of your physical health

Exercise has been proven to help improve your mood and reduce signs of depression.

While you’re in the military, you’re required to maintain yourself at a certain fitness level. There were tests and workouts that you were expected to be able to complete. After you leave the military you don’t have to let your physical health decline just because you are no longer required to pass physical fitness tests.

If you sustained a service-related injury, you might not be able to work out in the same ways that you did before, but there are modifications and equipment available that can still allow you to work up a sweat.

Take a little time each day, even if it’s just five or ten minutes, to workout and get your body moving any way that you can. You’ll be amazed how much better you feel after a little workout.

#2: Meditation and Relaxation

Taking just a few minutes to relax your body and your mind can make a big impact on mental health.

There are tons of apps or even videos online that will help guide you through a meditation or relaxation exercise. This process is great for helping you reduce your blood pressure, slow your breathing, and relax muscle tension. If you have trouble sleeping due this is a great way to relax as you get ready for bed.

The great thing is meditation can be done in any position, so you don’t need to be able to sit on the floor to experience the benefits.

#3: Connect with others

You aren’t alone in your experiences and you aren’t the only one feeling lost or unsure.

Talking about your feelings or your anxiety is one of the best ways to help relieve some of the pressure that it might cause you to feel. You don’t always have to talk to a professional, you can talk to a friend or a fellow Veteran. Talk to someone who has gone through the same experiences as you and will understand how they can have a lasting impact on your mental health.

You can also use social media to help you connect with other Veterans through Facebook groups or other social platforms. This allows you to surround yourself with others who will have a first hand understanding of what you might be going through.

These might seem like simple steps, but don’t underestimate the positive effect that they can have on your health. It doesn’t matter if you use just one or all of these tips, what matters is that you find a way that works for you to improve or maintain your mental health. Some days are better than others, and on the hard days it’s important for Veterans to know that they have options.

Contact Us

Have a question about your Veteran benefits? You can email us today! If you are within one-year pre to post-military separation, you can enroll in our FREE program by setting up a call with one of our transition coaches.

5 Things They Didn’t Tell You About Military Retirement

5 Things They Didn’t Tell You About Military Retirement

You’ve spent the last 20 or more years serving in the military and now you are ready to retire. Do you know what your next steps are or what you should expect once you’re no longer a service member? Your Transition Assistance Program (TAP) will cover some of the basics, but you will probably still have a few questions. Keep reading and we’re going to share with you 5 things they didn’t tell you about military retirement.

#1 – Take advantage of your active duty Medical/Dental/Vision offerings

Once you retire, the benefits that you were receiving while on active duty will change. This means that the cost and value of your medical, dental, and vision benefits might also change. With this in mind, there are a few things you should take advantage of while you’re still active duty if you think you will need them once you’ve retired. If you need or think you might need medical devices like hearing aids or a CPAP machine, get them while you’re still on active duty.
It’s important to keep in mind that while your retirement is processing you might have to go a couple months without dental or vision benefits. This means that if you know you will need to utilize these benefits, you should do so prior to retirement, otherwise you might have to wait until your policy through your new employer or self-insurance policy is active.

#2 – Start the disability process as soon as possible

The process of being approved for disability claims can take a while and receiving payments can take even longer. You shouldn’t count on these payments as part of your budget, at least for the first few months of retirement. In order to start receiving disability benefits as soon as possible, you’ll want to get this process started before your retirement is processed.
You will need to ensure that all of your service-related issues and concerns are THOROUGHLY documented. Make sure that your doctor is aware of any medical concerns that you currently have that could be tied to your military service. This will make it easier to validate your claims in the future. You’ll also want to make copies of all of your medical records and keep these on hand in case you need them as proof.
To make the VA disability process a little smoother you should look into working with a Veteran Service Officer (VSO). They can help you navigate the VA disability process and ensure that you have all of the necessary documentation on hand.

#3 – The job hunt isn’t always easy

If you plan to start a new job after you retire from the military, remember that the job search process isn’t always easy. However, LinkedIn is your friend and you shouldn’t hesitate to use it. A great benefit of LinkedIn is that both service members and their military spouse can get a free year of access to LinkedIn Premium. This is a fantastic benefit and will make the process of finding your dream job and a new civilian career much easier.
There are also tons of other resources available to help prepare you for the job hunt like resume writing services and certificate programs. This is a great way to learn how you can explain your military experience in a way that a civilian job will understand. A visit to your local family support center should be able to point you in the right direction to find and utilize some of these great resources.

#4 – Have a couple months worth of expenses saved

There can be a lot of unexpected expenses after your retirement and your final paycheck from the military can sometimes be delayed. Be prepared for these expenses by having at least a couple months worth of income saved. This will help you when you have to pay for housing and moving costs, clothes for a new job, or medical expenses.
You should start planning for this a few months prior to your retirement date so you can ensure you have enough put back to take care of you and your family until your new sources of income start to come in.

#5 – Make a plan for your final household move

Even if you aren’t planning on making a move right away, make a plan and ensure you know the process of reserving a move through your branches transportation office. This can include up to one year of storage for your household items. However, it’s important to remember that your moving claim will be filed with your last base, regardless of where you retire, so make sure you have the information for that bases filing office on hand.
The process of retiring from the military doesn’t have to be difficult and it should be a rewarding experience for you. Follow the steps given to you during your TAP program and take advantage of these tips we’ve given you here and you should be well on your way to a successful retirement.

Contact Us

Have a question about your Veteran benefits? You can email us today! If you are within one-year pre to post-military separation, you can enroll in our FREE program by setting up a call with one of our transition coaches.
